Standardization of testing methods of polymer biodegradation and certification


  • Tanja Vukelić University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology Department of Materials, Fibres and Textile Testing Zagreb, Coratia
  • Marijana Pavunc Samaržija University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology Department of Materials, Fibres and Textile Testing Zagreb, Coratia
  • Edita Vujasinović University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology Department of Materials, Fibres and Textile Testing Zagreb, Coratia


biodegradable polymers, biodegradation, standardization, certification


Many polymeric materials that are now used for a wide range of products and in different industries are often based on environmentally stable synthetic polymers derived from fossil fuels. Intensive use of products made of such polymers resulted in accumulation of large quantities of non-degradable waste in the environment. Increasingly stricter laws on waste management and ecological system protection have led to development of products made from biodegradable polymers, and thus to new product management opportunities at the end of its life cycle with the aim of contributing to sustainable development. However, to make these new polymers safe for the environment it is essential that their biodegradation is complete and that full biodegradability testing is based on standardized methods.



How to Cite

Vukelić, T., Pavunc Samaržija, M. and Vujasinović, E. 2017. Standardization of testing methods of polymer biodegradation and certification. Textile. 66, 5-6 (Jun. 2017), 113–126.



Review article